\Shri Narasimha Stotram
by Shriraam\

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Ramacandra's Nrsimha-Pancamrta
(Lord Ramacandra's visit to the Deity of
Ahobalam Nrsimha, as described in the
47th chapter of the Harivansa Purana)

narasimham gatva ramah pratapavan
namaskrtya sri nrsimham astausit kamalapatim
(The glorious Rama once visited Ahobala Temple
at Pratapvan where He
saw the deity of Lord Nrsimha.
He offered His obeisance to Lord Kamalapati and prayed as follows:)

govinda kesava janardana vasudeva
visvesavisva madhusudana visvarupa
sri padmanabha purusottama puskaraksa
narayanacyuta nrsimho namo namaste
(O Govinda, Kesava, Janardana, Vasudeva, Visvavisvesa,, Madhusudana, Visvarupa,
Sri Padmanabha, Purusottama, Puskaraksa,
Narayana, Acyuta. O Lord Nrsimha, I offer my respectful obeisance unto
You again and again.)

samastah khalu gopimukhyah
gandharva vidyadhara kinnarasca
yat padamulam satatam namanti
tam narasimham saranam gato'smi
(I have taken shelter of Lord Nrsimha unto whose
lotus feet demigods, prominent yogis, gandharvas, vidyadharas and
kinnaras, are constantly offering their obeisance.)

samastah khalu sastragarbham
vidyam balam kirtimatim ca laksmim
yasya prasadat purusa labhante
tam narasimham saranam gato'smi
(I have taken shelter of Lord Nrsimha by whose
mercy people receive all the vedas, the essence of all scriptures,
knowledge, strength, reputation and wealth.)

brahma sivastvam purusottamasca
narayano'sau marutam patisca
candrarka vayvagni marudganasca
tvameva tam tvam satatam nato'smi
(You are Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and the Best
Person Lord Narayana. You are the master of the Marutas and You
are the sun, the moon, air and the fire as well as Marutganas. I offer my
obeisance unto You.)

snapne'pi nitya jagatam asesam
srasta ca hanta vibhura prabheyah
trata tvam ekastrividho vibinnah
tam tvam nrsimham satatam nato'smi
(I offer my obeisance unto Lord Nrsimha who is
the creator, the maintainer and the destroyer of the entire universe.
Although You perform all of these three acts simultaneously, You are
completely beyond these activities. You are the all-pervading, unlimited
and supreme spirit.)

iti stutva
pujayamasa tam harim
puspavrstih prapatasu
tasya devasya murdhani
(Praying this way the best of the Raghus, Lord
Ramacandra, worshipped Lord Hari. At that time the demigods showered a
rain of flowers on the head of Lord Nrsimhadeva.)

krtam stotram
pancamrta manuktamam
pathanti ye dvijavarah
tesam svargastu sasvatah
(These prayers were compiled by Lord Rama
Himself as mentioned in Pancamrta by Manu. Those who
read this will live in Heaven for ever.)

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\Shri Narasimha Stotram
by Shriraam\
