\Pix Gallery\ 

Narayan's parents
Sau's father

The blessed family of four! (in 1991)

Durgapujan in Navaratri, 2006 at Kandivali, Mumbai

At Barsana Dham, Austin, Texas in 2006

Silver wedding in 1998 and before arrival of the first child in 1974

Chi Amba (Sanika), Chi Aditya (Kapish)
Chi Kalas (Atmaram) and their Taat.

Chi Amba, the thinker and the pleasant, flanks her Sau Ambaji!
Chi Kalas with Sau Sonia, on his plane and in a Texas garden.

Narayan at Fort Myers, FL (2007) & Austin, TX (2006)

Chi Amba with Chi Aditya in 2006

Aakkhe Kutumba at Delray Beach, FL in 2007

Above and Below: Everglades trip on March 1, 2008

 Tennis at
Delray Beach 2009 and Taat with ChiAmba & ChiRadha in 2013

Chi Kalas in the cockpit of the latest aircraft ( Dec,2015)
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