is Racism\
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What is Racism?
Hate surely they racism
Not knowin’ what’s a race or ism;
They see race as a color
Not knowin’ it’s much more!
Don’t they feel it’s all in the brain,
Their personal or collective domain:
An urge that does overwhelm
Everyone for time & again
To gain control or bargain
For something strong or lame?
An individual or a society
In times past, present & perpetuity
Always seeks every opportunity
To prove that they’re mighty;
Racism is their instrument
They use it often to dominate!
There’re currently no crusaders
Or tribes fightin’ for hegemony;
Nor any baiters or traders
Are lookin’ for gold or money!
So, racism isn’t the ism that sticks
Nor it’s only sex, money or politics
It’s an attitude beyond socio-economic
A ‘must control’ complex dynamics!
- Narayan
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is Racism\