pratyakcitte savidhamavadhaayaattamarutah Paraphrase (PR): Having plunged (avadhaaya) the mind (mánah) into the Self (pratyakcitte) according to the precepts of the scriptures (savidham), (and) controlled (aatta) the breath (marutáh), with (their) eyes (drishah) full (utsangita) of tears (salilá) (as they experience) a Joy (pramada) which causes the erection (prahrisyat) of the hair (of their bodies) (romaanah), the self-controlled (sages) (yaminah), when (yadaa) beholding (aalokya) the Delight (aahlaadam) and immersing (themselves) (nimajjye), as it were (iva), in (that) Lake (hrade) made --mayah-- (maye) of Nectar (amríta), take hold --in the sense of "they become conscious"-- (dadhati) of the Inner (antár) Principle (tattvam) to a considerable extent (kim-ápi). You (are) (bhavaan) certainly (kíla) that (Inner Principle) (tád). (25)
Tvamarkastvam somastvamasi pavanastvam hutavaha-
Paraphrase (PR):
the sun (arkáh),
You (tvám)
the moon (sómah),
You (tvám)
are (ási) the
air (pávanah),
You (tvám)
the fire --lit. "oblation-bearer"-- (hutá-vahah),
You (tvám)
(are) the
water (aapah),
You (tvám)
(are) the
space (vyoma);
(and in fact,)
You (tvám)
(are) indeed
(ú) the earth
and (ca) You
(tvám) the Self
(aatmaa)" --"iti"
indicates inverted commas--. Thus (evám),
those who have undergone a transformation --i.e. the sages--
cherish (bibhratu)
limited (paricchinnaam)
descriptions --lit. "word(s)"--
(giram) about You
Trayiim tisro vrittiistribhuvanamatho triinapi suraa- Paraphrase (PR): Oh Grantor (da) of boons (vará)!, the word (padám) Om (om-iti) denotes (grinaati) to You (tvaam) separately (vyastam) through (its) three (tribhih) letters (varnaih) (consisting in various) forms (aakaara), etc. (aadyaih), (which stand for) the three Veda-s (trayiim), the three (tisrás) states (of consciousness) --i.e. wakefulness, dream and deep sleep-- (vrittiih), the three (trí) worlds (bhúvanam), as well as (átho... ápi) the three (triin) gods (suraan). (Hence, You) are being described (abhidadhat) as (that Reality) which has gone through (tiirna) (multiple) modifications or changes (vikriti). (In turn,) by means of (those very three) fine and subtle (anubhih) sounds --dhvaní-- (dhvanibhih), (the word Om denotes to You) as a whole (sámastam), (since) it contains (avarundhaanam) the Fourth (state of consciousness) --i.e. the Witness to the rest of states-- (turiiyam), (which is) Your (te) (Transcendental) Abode or Condition (dhaama). (27)
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