Prajaanaatham naatha prasabhamabhikam svaam duhitaram
trinava- Paraphrase (PR): Oh Destroyer (mathana) of the (three) cities (pura)!, if (yádi) the goddess (Paarvatii) (devii), (whose) hope (aashamsaa) is based on her own (svá) beauty and charm (laavanya), even (ápi) having previously (puras) seen (dristvaa) (how) Puspaayudha --lit. "flower-armed", an epithet for Kaamadeva, the god of love-- (puspaayudham) armed with a bow (dhritadhanusam) (was) instantly (ahnaaya) scorched (plustam) (by You) as (vat) a blade of grass (trina), (still) thinks (avaiti) of You (tvaam) to be ruled by a woman (strainam), oh You who are devoted (nirata) to (all kinds of) restraints (yáma)!, because (she) occupies (ghatanaat) a half (ardhá)of (Your) body (deha)... (well,) oh (bata) Grantor (da) of boons (vará), the young women (yuvatayah) (are) most certainly (addhaa) inexperienced and simple (mugdhaah)! (23)
smarahara piishaacaah
sahacaraa- Paraphrase (PR): Oh Destroyer (hara) of Smara --i.e. Kaamadeva or the god of love-- (smara)!,(Your) playing-place (aakriidaa) (is) in the crematoria (shmashaanesu), (and) the Pishaaca-s --a class of demons-- (pishaacaah) (are Your) companions (sahacaraah). (You) smear (aalepah) (Your own body) with the ashes (bhasma) of the funeral piles (citaa), (and) even (ápi) (wear) a garland (srak) (formed from) multitude (parikarah) of human (nri) skulls (karotii). Thus (evám), (may) all (akhilam) Your (táva) behavior (shiilam) be (bhavatu) called (naama) "unauspicious" (amaangalyam)!... however (táthaa-ápi), oh Grantor (da) of boons (vará)!, You are (ási) the Highest (paramám) Welfare (mangalam)for those who remember (You) (smartriinaam). (24)
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