Asurasuramuniindrairarcitasyendumaule- Paraphrase (PR): (The Gandharvá or heavenly musician) called (abhidhaanah) Puspadanta--lit. "flower-toothed"-- (puspadanta), who is the best (váristhah) of the entire (sakala) group of Shivá's attendants (ganá), composed (cakaara) this (etád) beautiful (ruciram) hymn (stotrám) endowed with long (alaghu) metres (vrittaih) (in honor) of the Lord (iishvarasya) who has the moon (índu) on His head -mauli-- (mauleh) and who is worshipped (arcitasya) by Índra --indrena-- (indraih), sages (múni), gods (sura) and demons (ásura), and whose Greatness (mahimnah) consists of (endless) attributes (guná) strung together (as beads in a necklace) (grathitá) (despite He is completely) devoid of any attributes --nirguna-- (nirgunasya). (33)
Aharaharanavadyam dhuurjateh
stotrameta- Paraphrase (PR): A pure-minded (shuddhá-cittáh) human being (púmaan) who (yah) recites (pathati) with supreme (paramá) devotion (bhaktyaa), day by day (ahar-ahar), faultlessly (anavadyám), this (etát) hymn (stotrám) (in honor) of Dhuurjati --an epithet for Shivá meaning "having matted locks like a burden"-- (dhuurjateh) becomes (sáh bhávati) identical (tulyah) with Rudrá --i.e. with Shivá-- (rudrá) in Shivá's world (shivá-loke) (after passing away). Likewise (táthaa), (he becomes) famous (kiirtimaan), has (many) children (putravaan), (enjoys a long) life (aayus) and (ca) a more (tara) abundant (pracura) wealth (dhána) in this world (átra). (34)
Maheshaannaaparo devo mahimno naaparaa stutih
/ Paraphrase (PR): There is no (ná) god (deváh) that is higher (aparah) than Mahesha –an epithet for Shivá meaning "great Lord"-- (maheshaat), there is no (ná) hymn of praise (stutíh) which is higher (aparaa) than (this) "Shivamahimnah stotram" (mahimnah). There is no (ná) Mántra --a sacred word-- (mántrah) which is higher (aparah) than Ághora --an epithet for Shivá meaning "not terrific"-- (ághora); (and) there is no (ná ásti) principle (tattvam) that is superior (páram) to the Gurú --in the sense of the fifth "kritya" or action of Shivá, which bestows divine Grace upon a limited being-- (guroh). (35)
daanam tapastiirtham yogayaagaadikaah
/ Paraphrase (PR): Initiation (diiksaa), charity (daanam), austerity (tápas), pilgrimage (tiirthám)(and such) activities (kriyaah) (as) Yóga (yóga), sacrifices (yaaga), etc. (aadikaah) are not (ná) worth (arhanti) (even) a sixteenth (sodashiim) part (kalaam) of (what) the recitation (paathasya) of (this) hymn (stáva) (in honor) of the Greatness (mahimnah) (of Shivá is worth). (36)
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