Paraphrase (PR): The king (raajah) of all (sárva) heavenly musicians (gandharvá) whose name (naamaa) is Kusumadashana --a term which is synonymous with "Puspadanta", i.e. "flower-toothed", as kusuma=puspa (flower) and dashana=dánta (tooth)-- (kusumadashana) (is) the servant (daasáh) of the God (devasya) of gods (devá) who bears the crescent moon (shashidhara) on His head --mauli-- (mauleh). He --i.e. Puspadanta-- (sáh) who has certainly (khálu... evá) fallen (bhrastáh) from his own (nijá) (previous) glory (mahimnah) because of the wrath (rosaat) of Shivá (ásya) --since Puspadanta happened to step on a grass sacred to Shivá-- composed (akaarsiit) this (idám) beautiful (divyá) and divine (divyám) hymn of praise (stavanam) (in honor) of the Greatness (of that very Shivá) (mahimnah) (so that he may obtain His favor). (37)
Suravaramunipuujyam svargamoksaikahetum
Paraphrase (PR): If (yádi) a human being (manusyah), whose mind (cetaah) is completely one-pointed (ná-anyá), recites (pathati), with his hollowed hands being joined (praañjalih), this (idám) infallible (amogham) hymn of praise (stavanam) written (praniitam) by Puspadanta (puspadanta), which is worshipped (puujyam) by gods (sura) and the best (vará) sages (múni), and which is the only (éka) cause (hetú) for the Heavenly (svargá) Liberation (moksa), (then, that person,) praised (stuuyamaanah) by Kinnara-s --a class of divine beings-- (kinnaraih), goes (vrájati) towards (samiipam) Shivá (shivá). (38)
Aasamaaptamidam stotram punyam
/ Paraphrase (PR): This (idám) holy (púnyam) hymn (stotrám) spoken (bhaasitam) by the (well-known) heavenly musician (called Puspadanta) (gandharvá) (and containing) unparalleled (anaupamyam), fascinating (manohaari) and auspicious (shivám) descriptions (varnanam) about the Lord (iishvará), is finished (aasamaaptam). (39)
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