Paraphrase (PR): Thus (iti), this (esaa) adoration (puujaa) consisting (mayii) in words (vaak) is offered (arpitaa) to the feet (paadayoh) of Venerable (shriimat) Shankará --an epithet for Shivá meaning "causing prosperity, beneficent, etc."-- (shankará). Through that (offering) (téna), (may) Sadaashiva --an epithet for Shivá meaning "always auspicious"-- (sadaashivah), the Lord (iishá) of the gods (devá), be pleased (priiyataam) with me (me)! (40)
CR: Tava
tattvam na janami kidrishosi Maheshwara Paraphrase (PR): Oh Maheshwara --lit. "great Lord"-- (maheshwara), I do not understand (na janami) your (tava) element (taaavam) nor do I know how you look (kidrishosi)! But, Oh Mahadev, however may you look (yadrishosi) I salute(namonamah) thee! (tadrishay). (41)
CR: Ekakalam
dwikalam va trikalam yah pathennarah Paraphrase (PR): Anyone (narah) who recites (pathet) this (hymn-stotra)(yah) once (ekakalam), twice (dwikalam), or (va) thrice (trikalam); he becomes free from all sins (sarvapapavinirmuktah) and deserves to live at (mahiyate) Lord Shiva's abode! (shivaloke) (42)
Shriipuspadantamukhapankajanirgatena Paraphrase (PR): Mahesha --lit. "great Lord"-- (maheshah), the Lord (patih) of (all) beings (bhuutá) becomes (bhávati) very pleased (supriinitah) through (the recitation of this) hymn (stotrena) which has come out --nirgata-- (nirgatena) from the mouth-lotus (mukha-pankaja) of Venerable (shrii) Puspadanta (puspadanta), which destroys --hara-- (harena) sins (kílbisa) (and) is dear --priyá-- (priyena) to Hara --i.e. Shivá-- (hara), (whether it) be learnt by heart --kanthasthita-- (kanthasthitena) (or) recited --pathita-- (pathitena) (or simply) paid attention to --samaahita-- (samaahitena) --an alternative translation would be "(or simply) kept (at home)". (43)
CR: Iti Shripuspadanta viracitam Shri Shiva Mahimna stotram sampurnam.
Paraphrase (PR):
Mahesha --lit. "great Lord"--
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