Hariste saahasram kamalabalimaadhaaya padayo-
Kratau supte jaagrattvamasi phalayoge kratumataam
Paraphrase (PR):
When a sacrifice --krátu--
(kratau) is
over --lit. "falls sleep"-- (supte),
You (tvám)
remains (ási)
awake (jaagrat)
to reward (phalayoge)
the sacrificer (kratumataam).
How (kvá) a
sacrificial rite (karma)
which has ceased (pradhvastam)
is going to be fruitful (phálati)
without (rité)
worship (aaraadhanam)
of Púrusa
or the Supreme Person --i.e. Shivá-- (púrusa)?
kratupatiradhiishastanubhritaa- Paraphrase (PR): Oh Grantor (da) of refuge (sharaná)!, You --tvám-- (tvattah), who are addicted (vyasaninah) to bestow (vidhaana) constantly (dhruvam) the fruits (phála) of the sacrifices (krátu), spoiled --ababhramshas or abhramshayas-- (bhramshah) (that celebrated) sacrifice (krátu) (in which) Dáksa --Satii's father; Satii was the first wife of Shivá-- (dáksah), an expert (dáksah) in sacrificial acts (kriyaa) and a master (adhiishah) over all beings possessed (bhritaam) of a body (tanú), was the sacrificer (kratupatih); (in turn,) the office of "ritvij"--the sacrificial priests-- (aartvijyam) was carried out by the (very) Vedic Sages --Risi-s-- (risiinaam), (while) the hosts (ganaah) of gods (sura) (were) the superintending priests (sadasyaah). Undoubtedly (hí), (those) sacrifices (makhaah) (performed) for enchanting (others) (abhicaaraaya) (prove to be) unfavorable (vidhuram) to the faith (shraddhaa) of the performer (kartuh). (21)
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